Wednesday, December 8, 2010


After taking this course, I have gotten A LOT better at writing essays. It used to be something I really hated. It is now more bearable. I now know how to approach essays and write them in an organized fashion. It is also easier for me to form a thesis and stick to it now, and my essays are now more clear and stick to the main point.
Blogging has also been interesting, I had never done it before this course. I like the freedom to be opionated as I want, and being able to see other's thoughts on issues we discuss in class. I think it has made me more aware of the world around me, and has forced me to read newspapers, watch the news, and take part in class room discussions.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I made this poster because of a discussion we had in class. We talked about how images of different black celebrities had been altered. People's skin was made lighter, they were made to look thinner, males that were suppose to be villains were made dark, and beast-like. Hollywood often decides what image celebrities will have in the publics eye, based on what cells or makes headlines.

Blogs I've Commented On:

A letter to raise awareness:

Dear Mr. Ribeau,
I am a sophmore at Howard University. Since my first year here at Howard, I've felt as though The Mecca is my second home. I have, however, been very concerned with the fact that our reading period is relatively short.
After reviewing the academic calendar on the Howard website, I have found that since the year 2000, the universitiy's reading period has only been 2-3 days long. This has grown to be a great concern among students. Final exam grades make up a very large portion of final grades. Students should have an appropriate amount of time to prepare for examinations that weigh so heavily on their GPA. Also, after studying the academic calendars of other colleges and universities, I have found that most have a reading period of at least seven days. This includes Hampton University and Morehouse College.
Howard University is fortunate to have a student body that consists of scholars who genuinelly care about their grades. Because of this an extention of the reading period would be greatly welcomed and more than taken advantage of by students.
Thank you for your consideration. My fellow students and I are hopeful that an extension will be applied for future semesters at Howard University.

Hollywood Horror

               In class we looked at various images of black celebrities. For each celebrity there was two different photographs that were taken of them, most of these came from magazines. But while comparing the different images, we were able to see the distortion that had taken place.
               Skin color and weight were altered. Black, female celebrities had photos where there skin was made to look lighter than it really was. Different angles were used to make them appear thinner. And we also saw a black, male athlete who was made to look like a dangerous beast, similar to King Kong.
               I found these pictures to be a reminder, a reminder that what sells to the public is what matters most in Hollywood. I worry for celebrities today. I think they have little say over what magazines hit the shelves, and what images are presented to the public. I can’t imagine how I would feel if I was told that the only image good enough to represent me and carry on my career is one that was completely altered.
               The United States is considered the ‘melting pot,’ home to people of all different cultures and creeds. Also, the United States is one of the most obese nations! How is it that a country made up of these components, can have such a narrow definition of beauty, so different from the people it contains?


               There has been much talk in my Freshman Composition class about stereotypes. I think the discussions we have had just go to show how powerful words are, and how infectious ideas can be. The talk of stereotypes also raises the question “How can they be defeated?” How can you stop ignorance from developing into a person’s way of thinking or even their beliefs?
               My mother always said that ignorance and racism begin at home, and my father always agreed. Children are the products of parents. Things like words, thought, religion, respect, moral, and tradition are often passed on from parent to child.
               Luckily, most children to not stay at home forever, and most parents do not outlive their children. I believe this makes the time that children spend in the outside world crucial. Eventually those outside of home can be just as infectious. As much as I’d hate to say, this provides some need for political correctness.  In the work place, at school, even in public areas, the words we say carry on. We choose what flows through the air. But, regardless of what we choose, what we say will be heard. So perhaps by discouraging stereotypes, minding what we say, and carrying ourselves appropriately (meaning not proving our stereotype true in the way we carry ourselves), we can begin to break down the walls that stereotypes have placed in front of us.

Environmental Injustice

               With so much talk of environmental awareness, I find myself feeling somewhat guilty. I’ve never really given the state of our environment much thought. We hear a great deal about global warming and natural disasters, like hurricane Katrina, and even the earthquakes that have devastated Haiti. But usually, talk of helping the environment only really occurs after something has gone wrong. Our country is dealing with war, a bad economy, issues with health care, and the loss of jobs. These are the things that affect our daily lives, and so, these things become our main focus.
               Also, a natural disaster is something that occurs on a relatively large scale. Often we only see ourselves as one person, not as a group or a collection of able bodies. I think this mindset prevents me, and many others from doing our part to help the environment.