Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Hollywood Horror

               In class we looked at various images of black celebrities. For each celebrity there was two different photographs that were taken of them, most of these came from magazines. But while comparing the different images, we were able to see the distortion that had taken place.
               Skin color and weight were altered. Black, female celebrities had photos where there skin was made to look lighter than it really was. Different angles were used to make them appear thinner. And we also saw a black, male athlete who was made to look like a dangerous beast, similar to King Kong.
               I found these pictures to be a reminder, a reminder that what sells to the public is what matters most in Hollywood. I worry for celebrities today. I think they have little say over what magazines hit the shelves, and what images are presented to the public. I can’t imagine how I would feel if I was told that the only image good enough to represent me and carry on my career is one that was completely altered.
               The United States is considered the ‘melting pot,’ home to people of all different cultures and creeds. Also, the United States is one of the most obese nations! How is it that a country made up of these components, can have such a narrow definition of beauty, so different from the people it contains?

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