Rev. Terry Jones
How is it possible for someone who is head of a church to attempt to lead a group of people into an act of hate? How is possible for someone who is supposed to uphold and preach the values of the bible, to preach the destruction of something so many people consider holy.
It can be understood that someone has their own beliefs and religious values, but what cannot be understood is when someone feels it necessary to take on the responsibility of putting down another person’s values that contradict their own.
Also, considering the fact that this is a reverend of a church, a church that should be following the bible; it is difficult to believe that Rev. Jones never preached tolerance, peace, good will towards men, and that we should all do unto others as we would have done unto us. So for him to advertise the burning of the Quran is complete hypocrisy.
I completely agree with Elaine's point of view on this topic regarding Reverend Terry Jones. In my mind, the purpose of a pastor is to help uphold and inspire the people of his church and the community around him. Pastor's are people of God meaning that they abide by the words of the bible. Rev. Jones' ideas to burn the Quran completely go against many of the lessons and scriptures of the bible. Rev. Jones needs to reevaluate his priorities and rethink his true faith in God. According to his actions this man does not meet the qualifications to be a pastor.